How we handle referrals

Referrals are new clients informally introduced to Convertibill® by an existing client, a mentor, an accountant, an agent or even a helpline advisory person.

Referrals typically occur on an ad-hoc basis and start with a conversation between a Convertibill® finance Specialist and the client referred to us.


Let’s work together & support our clients

Appointment: Book online now

01 685-3672 (Ireland) or

0844 774-7822 (United Kingdom)

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What we don’t do:

Not suited to car, van or mortgage related business or medium to long-term property deals.

What Convertibill® does:

Use client’s trade book to:
  • Pay suppliers enabling transport savings and bulk discounts
  • Win bigger customer orders by proving financial backing is in place to fulfil larger orders
  • Free up capital efficiently from future revenues, e.g. invoices, card payments, licence fees and direct debit revenue streams
  • Provide vendor finance using lease/hire instalment finance to improve customer sales

Key aspects:

  • Minimum finance requirement should be EUR 25.0k every 30 days or EUR 0.4m every per annum
  • No liens, personal guarantees, lock-in periods or debtor concentration limits apply
  • Selective debtor finance and no requirement to trade ‘full ledger’

    Convertibill® Mentor

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